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- «c7»This article is, as opposed to the
- others I've written this day, quite
- original, heh. Or rather, nobody has
- put down their thoughts on this
- matter, if they have had any. Simply
- put, what is going to happen with the
- Amiga demoscene when/if Amiga's plans
- for this christmas and beyond come to
- completion?«»
- «»
- Now, I don't know how much you know
- about Amiga's plans, but shortly put,
- the «c6»new Amiga «c7»is, as it appears now,
- all about the «c6»software, «c7»which is quite
- revolutionary, theoretically being
- able to run atop any OS and any
- processor, without being slow. This
- makes it possible for Windows and
- Linux developers, for instance, to run
- the OS and write their software for
- it, and then it will run on any other
- computer that has the Amiga OS
- installed. Theoretically this will
- mean the next big revolution in
- computing, and on top of that, the new
- OS is slick, fast, easy, intuitive, in
- short, very Amigaish. Right now, 15000
- people have bought the developer cd
- for Linux, and now version 1.1 of the
- cd, is ready for Linux and Windows.
- Amiga says the OS will be ready for
- the public this christmas or shortly
- thereafter. On the hardwareside, they
- have made deals with hardware
- companies they are going to recommend
- for their software, meaning that the
- «c6»AmigaOne «c7»(One stands for it being
- single processor only) supports e.g.
- Matrox drivers, and writes software
- for it. Also, Amiga has said that they
- will design a motherboard, which they
- will let other companies manufactore.
- Thus, there will be a unique OS and a
- unique motherboard, the rest will be
- PC parts and whatever processor you
- would like to have. Well, that is the
- news as I have understood them thus
- far, if that is unaccurate, I am not
- to be held responsible, heh..«»
- Anyway, with this introduction out of
- the way, we can now get to the real
- topic, a quite interesting topic which
- will have a tremendous effect on the
- «c6»future of our scene. «c7»What will become
- of the scene when this new computer
- revolution occurs (yes, let's pretend
- that there will be no problems, and
- things work out as I described them
- above).«»
- «»
- What will we do? Will we completely
- abandon traditional 68k demomaking,
- and will everyone make the switch over
- to the VP assembler of the new Amiga
- software? Will all articles about
- doing OCS/ECS demo's again have been
- wasted, because a much greater change
- is about to take place, and one can
- only look back that far? Or will the
- scene be split up, a few groups
- initially supporting the new
- platform(s), most staying back and
- producing traditional stuff for a
- while?«»
- «»
- The switch from OCS/ECS to AGA was
- quick and decisive, after one year,
- everybody were doing AGA demos. As
- opposed to that, the switch from
- 68k to PPC has been virtually
- non-existant. I think that this time,
- the switch will be very quick though,
- because ehrr, most of us already have
- most of the hardware needed for
- running the «c6»new Amiga OS «c7»at home,
- eheh. Also, if this happens, it will
- be a much, much bigger revolution in
- computing than the switch from ECS to
- AGA. In addition, the PC scene will
- slowly merge into this «c6»new scene «c7»too,
- although that will take a bit more
- time ofcourse. In the end, there will
- be this new scene and the C64 scene.
- Maybe some oldskoolers like my group
- will try to keep on doing OCS and AGA
- stuff, but we will become a minority
- fairly quickly I think. So, part
- conclusion must be that IF this works
- out as Amiga intend, «c6»the scene will
- grow bigger «c7»and will move almost
- entirely to the new way of doing
- productions, productions that work on
- all computers, regardless of hardware.
- Thus the next question arises.. What
- will that do to the scene?«»
- «»
- We will finally have access to all the
- hardware we want, so we can stop
- pseudo-competing with the PC scene in
- regards to 3D worlds, and maybe do
- something «c6»more original «c7»instead. This
- is maybe a naive hope, rather we might
- loose every last bit of originality
- and just focus and bigger and «c6»bigger
- 3D worlds, «c7»I don't know. However, one
- drawback of a production being able to
- run on all platforms, will be the
- speed of it, there will have to be
- some standard where it runs decently,
- or which is the minimum requirement.
- This standard will likely be what
- Amiga themselves say. Also, there will
- be decent development tools available
- from the start, atleast for the coder,
- as the «c6»VP assembler «c7»is the core of the
- new Amiga OS.«»
- «»
- So, it would seem that we will not be
- too bad off in the future, but it is
- strange that no one has thought about
- this, after all, we're just a few
- months away from having our well known
- scene quite thoroughly changed, if
- things go as the guys at Amiga have
- planned, so maybe we should think a
- little about what we will do, and the
- changes that will take place. Or maybe
- we should just wait, and check out
- what they have come up with, as we did
- with the A1200. Still, I hope that
- somebody does remember the «c6»old ways of
- demomaking «c7»and takes it with them to
- the new frontier so to speak. And that
- someone stays back too, and makes
- oldsk00l 68k demos, preferably
- OCS/ECS, hehe.«»
- «»
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- «e»